The Friends of Golden Bay Story

Friends of Golden Bay is a community group that fosters sustainability and conservation in Golden Bay, New Zealand. It is an Incorporated Society and a Registered Charity.

Friends of Golden Bay had its first formal meeting in June 1996 at which time it was agreed that it would act as an umbrella group to oppose the opening up of Golden Bay to large-scale aquaculture. These included proposals to erect structures in the mid-tide zone on many beaches and also extensive mussel farming close to shore. This eventually led to a major Environment Court decision which resulted in special aquaculture management areas being designated well off-shore.

In recent years Friends of Golden Bay have been extensively involved in the development of proposals for Outstanding Natural Landscape in Golden Bay, opposing mining of steatite in the Cobb area and in the protection of the outstanding water quality and clarity of Te Waikoropupū Springs and their associated Arthur Marble Aquifers.

Membership is open to any person; currently there are about 100 people involved.

Image of FoGB Poster 1996


This poster was part of FoGBs initial campaign against proposed planning rules regarding large-scale aquaculture in Golden Bay.

Text of the poster summarised:

It took millions of years to create this scene. In this undeveloped part of NZ you can stand on an uncrowded beach and do nothing but gaze across sand and sea and feel separated from the more maddening aspects of our culture. The plans of the aquaculture industry with its industrial structures and machinery would spoil it in a stroke.


To Contact Us

Write to the Secretary, P O Box 274, Takaka, Golden Bay, 7142